
Download Galaxy Pack 1.5 by maxelus.net for Free – Best Android Applications – Best Android Apk Free Download



Discover Galaxies and Nebulas in 3D, realtime and OpenGL.After the invention of a series of 4 galaxies: Inferno Galaxy, Ice Galaxy, Shadow Galaxy and Galaxy Vortex…

… waiting to be explored any nooks of the Universe!
On the horizon appeared a replacement Galaxies:

1. Red Dragon Galaxy
2. Hydra Galaxy
3. little Cloud Galaxy
4. Pegasus Galaxy
5. Colossus Galaxy
6. Cyclop Galaxy
7. M101 Galaxy (Update one.1)
8. Hextor Galaxy (Update one.2)
9. {hydrogen|H|atomic number one|chemical element|element|gas} Clouds (Update 1.3)
10. Inferno Clouds (Update one.3)
11. primordial Galaxy (Update one.4)

Each of them you'll be able to read in 3D, in realtime, in OpenGL.
Check out what's in every of them. modify the settings, modification them.

+ Set Predefined Galaxies (11 avaiable now)
+ Set Background kind (5 avaiable now)
+ Set Core kind (3 avaiable now)
+ Set Stars kind (3 avaiable now)
+ Set Stars count (for grievous bodily harm speed scale back stars)
+ Set X-Ray kind, on/off (default off)
+ Set Stars on/off
+ fastened Galaxy S3 issue. Wow, fantastic speed !

+ NEW Galaxy : primordial Galaxy
+ Stars on/off fix
+ link to Planest Pack

+ a pair of NEW Galaxy : chemical element Clouds, Inferno Clouds (updated)
+ NEW choice Stars on/off altogether Galaxies
+ Smaller stars
+ On huge screens like tablets or Nexus,
finger moves galaxy quicker

+ one NEW Galaxy : Hextor Galaxy
+ NEW choice : X-Ray from Galaxy center(default OFF)
+ ICS update (Nexus), vogue for Colosus and Cyklop G.

+ one NEW Galaxy : M101 Galaxy
+ a pair of NEW Backgrounds varieties (more natural)
+ NEW choice : Galaxy rotation speed
+ NEW choice : Galaxy Core Size
+ NEW choice : Galaxy Core On/Off
+ Stars count from fifteen to a hundred

+ Attention : choice ‘Move to SDCard’ is ON, you will move wallpaper to SDCard, however in some phones this not work. If not work, recede wallpaper to ‘Phone Memory’ . ( Default is ‘Phone Memory’ )

+ For save battery and liquid crystal {display|LCD|digital display|alphanumeric display} display, set new ‘M101 Galaxy’ with ‘Stars’ background

+ For a lot of smoth animations scale back range of stars ‘Stars Count’ in choices menu, and speed increase !

+ For save battery and central processing unit set ’50% save’ in choices menu
Please comment ! Thanks !



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